Thursday, August 28, 2008
Temper, Temper, John-Boy
If McBush could answer a question without lying, his tongue would fall out!
Will you get an Obama Tax Cut?
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Clinton Releases her Delegates to Obama
Barack Obama is our nominee! In an obvious but nevertheless historic and tear-jerky moment, Hillary moved the convention to suspend the roll call and name Barack Obama the nominee of the Democratic Party!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Breaking the cord with the Clintons - The Boston Globe
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Totally Hilarious New Obama Ad - 'Don't Know Much'
Saturday, August 23, 2008
This needs to be on a t-shirt
Joe Biden remarried, as a widower. John McCain remarried, as an adulterer.
Originally posted as a comment by KarenMrsLloydRichards on AMERICAblog using Disqus.
Another good one, but don't know where it originated:
One spouse....Obama/Biden '08
Friday, August 22, 2008
McCan't is Still a Dick
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Rachel Maddow's Show
When Did We Become A Nation of Idiots? or Who The Hell Are They Polling?
He can't string two sentences together without cue cards or cheating and hearing the questions in advance, he says whatever he wants to whenever he wants to and waves it off as just that ole maverick thing. He calls his wife vile names and offers to put her up in a biker babe topless contest.
He doesn't even vote for the programs to support the veterans he loves to talk about! He didn't support Jim Webb's recent GI bill even though he lied and said he had supported it. For a list as long as my arm of veteran's programs that he voted against, see here.
Despite all this crap, week after week, the polls indicate this old fool is closing the gap between himself and the best goddam candidate we've had in most of our lifetimes. How do people NOT see that electing McCain is just extending the devastating Bush presidency? How can any woman vote for the man who won't hesitate to take away her reproductive rights as quickly as he can? How can anybody anywhere vote for the man who's willing to wage war after war after war and draft our children and grandchildren to fight even more wars?
Haven't the past 8 years been horrendous enough? Haven't your paychecks shrunk enough? Haven't we been lied to enough? It's time to vote for the candidate best qualified to lead this country out of the quagmire Bush led us into. It's time to vote for the candidate that won't send our children off to war in order to prove something to himself. The candidate that won't thumb his nose at the world. It's time to vote for the guy who's not wearing the VFW or the Navy baseball cap.
I don't get it. There's 2 sandwiches - one has been out in the sun and is spoiled and fetid the other has been in a cooler and is crisp and fresh. Which one will you choose . . .
McCain's Mansions
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
McSAME Voted For Earmark He Rails Against In Ad
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McPOW is a Fucking Liar - Part 2
According to the transcript, Warren said: "Now, what I decided is to allow for proper comparison, I’m going to ask identical questions to each of these candidates. So you can compare apples to apples. Now, Senator Obama is going to go first. We flipped a coin, and we have safely placed Senator McCain in a cone of silence."
But that wasn't true: McCain wasn't in the building when they started.
A stunt like that by Obama would have the McCainiacs howling "cheater!".
Then, consider the education questions:WARREN: OK. Let’s go to education. America right now ranks 19th in high school graduations. We’re first in incarcerations.
OBAMA: Not good.
WARREN: Not good. 80 percent of Americans recently polled said they
believe in merit pay. Now, for teachers, do you - I’m not asking do you think all teachers should get a raise. Do you think better teachers should be paid better? They should be paid more than poor teachers?
OBAMA: I think that we should - and I’ve said this publicly, that we
should set up a system of performance pay for teachers, negotiated with teachers, worked with the teachers to figure out the assessments, so that they feel like they’re being judged fairly, it’s not at the whim of the principal. That it’s not simply based on a single high stakes standardized test but the basic notion that teaching is a profession, that teachers are underpaid, so we need to pay them all more, but - and create a higher baseline, but then we should also reward excellence.
WARREN: Reward excellence.
OBAMA: I think that is a concept that all of us should embrace. [ applause ]Now, supposedly, Warren was going to ask the same questions to both.
However, consider the exchange on education with McCain:WARREN: Let’s talk about education. America ranks 19th in high school graduations, but we’re first in incarcerations. Everybody says they want more accountability in schools.
MCCAIN: Um-hum.
WARREN: About 80 percent of America says they support merit pay for the best teachers. Now, I don’t want to hear your stump speech on education.
MCCAIN: Yes, yes, and find bad teachers another line of
work. (APPLAUSE).
WARREN: You know, we’re going to end this, you’re answering so quickly. You want to play a game of poker?
Warren was surprised - had hadn't even asked the education questions and here McCain was answering them!
McCain clearly answered the two "expected" questions and then launched into his stump speech, something Warren asked Obama to avoid.
These are the facts, folks. McCain did well, and part of the reason he did was that he cheated.
What he said!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
McPOW is a Fucking Liar!
Anybody who watched 20 or so minutes of his sitdown with Rick Warren and who's got more than 2 brain cells to rub together knows that McOLD is a jumbled mess of incoherence.
He lied about being in a cone of silence. Link to the proof.
He plagiarized the hell outta the cross in the sand story. Out and out PLAGIARISM McCain Campaign! Lying wasn't bad enough for your candidate. I guess you guys figured since Solzhenitsyn is dead, nobody'd know if he lifted one little story right from him. The GOP is nothing but a gang of thieves, scared thieves at that. Make up shit as you go along. Link to the proof. Oh yeah, I've read Solzhenitsyn, too. I didn't remember this particular story, but thanks to lots of others out there whose mental cobwebs aren't as thick as mine.
And then there's the utter incoherence of his response to the what's your definition of rich question. It's a long excerpt, but worth reading unless you actually caught him blathering this nonsense on the tube over the weekend.
“Some of the richest people I’ve ever known in my life are the most unhappy. I think that rich is — should be defined by a home, a good job and education and the ability to hand to our children a more prosperous and safer world than the one that we inherited. I don’t want to take any money from the rich. I want everybody to get rich. I don’t believe in class warfare or redistribution of the wealth. But I can tell you for example there are small businessmen and women who are working 16 hours a day, seven days a week that some people would classify as, quote, ‘rich,’ my friends, who want to raise their taxes and raise their payroll taxes. Let’s have — keep taxes low. Let’s give every family in America a $7,000 tax credit for every child they have. Let’s give them a $5,000 refundable tax credit to go out and get the health insurance of their choice. Let’s not have the government take over the health care system in America.
“So I think if you’re just talking about income, how about $5 million. But seriously, I don’t think you can — I don’t think, seriously that — the point is that I’m trying to make here seriously — and I’m sure that comment will be distorted, but the point is — the point is — the point is that we want to keep people’s taxes low and increase revenues. And my friend, it was not taxes that mattered in America in the last several years. It was spending. Spending got completely out of control. We spent money in a way that mortgaged our kids futures. My friends, we spent $3 million of your money to study the DNA of bears in Montana. Now I don’t know if that was a paternity issue or a criminal issue, but the point is — but the point is it was $3 million of your money. It was your money. “And you know, we laugh about it, but we cry and we should cry because the Congress is supposed to be careful stewards of your tax dollars. so what did they just do in the middle of an energy crisis when in California we are paying $4 a gallon for gas, went on vacation for five weeks. I guarantee you, two things they never miss, a pay raise and a vacation. And we should stop that and call them back and not raise your taxes. We should not and cannot raise taxes in tough economic times. So it doesn’t matter really what my definition of rich is because I don’t want to raise anybody’s taxes.”
Say whaaaa???
I'm seeing some stirrings in the blogosphere about McBush's performance over the weekend and I'm guess it's not complimentary stirrings. Although nobody in the media ever really criticizes the old man - since he's a POW and all. God forbid anybody criticizes McInsane 'cuz he's a POW. McPOW can't handle the truth. Guess McPOW can't handle being told he fucked up. Guess McPOW is just a pussy with a purple heart.
He'll get away with lying yet again, but it won't win him or his party the election this time.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
McBush Is Still 'The One' (For Lobbyists)
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Saturday, August 9, 2008
McCain is Nothing but Dangerous
(h/t: flagday84 and joshuablog)
digg this and pass it on.
Friday, August 8, 2008
It's Money Bomb Day!
Whether you pledged prior to today or not, it's time to hit one of the StrangeBedFellows links on this page and show your support for the money bomb on behalf of constitutional rights and civil liberties in America.
If you have a blog, put up a banner or two and let your readers know that today is the day. You can also add your name and your blog's name to the list here.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
John McCain can't remember reporters question
h/t: Jed Report digg story